Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fruit Tree "Resolutions" for 2012

Happy New Years Growing!

I am proud to present the first fruit trees I will purchase this winter!

Fruit Trees - LSU Gold Fig, Eversweet Pomegranate, Kishu Mandarin
These fruit trees with begin in large containers! 

Pomegranate (Eversweet)
Tangerines (Kishu Mandarin)
Figs (LSU Gold)

For the new year, I will start a garden that will contain fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, and medicinal plants

I will also add indoor air cleaning plants along with a mini seedling green house.

My gardening purchase list is getting long so I plan to convince relatives to forgo holiday gifts, and support my needs for containers, planters, organic compost, seeds, potted plants, and even a fruit tree! 

Since I want to stay organic, I will look for companion plants to grow along with my purchases.   Wish me the best!  I am determined to make my family Gardening Santas!

And this is just the beginning...Container & vertical gardening now.....raised beds and bio-intensive later...hydroponics or aquaponics, maybe....permaculture for generations.