Monday, November 7, 2011

Food Deserts: The Cornerstore Curse

A Snapshot of a Food Desert In Inner City Houston

I'm overjoyed about Michelle Obama's nationwide mission to end "food deserts" in urban communities.   Food deserts are communities that lack accessible low-cost nutritious foods.  You'll find a variety of corner stores (liquor stores) that specializes in alcoholic beverages and junk food: such as  expired foods, canned goods, salted corn and potato chips, hard candies such as jolly ranchers and a Mexican salt/chili candies such as pica.

In addition to inner city corner stores, larger grocery chains or independent stores hardly fill the gap for healthy fresh food.   I don't believe an inundation of them is the only solution.  

Fresh food availability should also include, your home garden,  farmer's markets, co-opsCSA's and community centers with programs aimed at getting the youth and elderly to buy local, grow their own food, and cook new cuisines.  I believe a form of home economics,  and sustainable agriculture should return back to schools and community centers.

Once the art of cooking is mastered with healthy, efficient, and, sustainable meals, (such as freezing, canning, storing, and growing), I believe the desire for quality food will exceed the need for fast food.  That's how a slow food movement can grow, through better tasting, healthier, quick foods.

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